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Chapter 6: Examined Together

Daniel and Jason were on time for their appointment on Monday morning. In fact, by Daniel’s watch, they were waiting outside the doctor’s room a full two minutes before their allocated time of 9.15. Daniel had knocked on the door, waited, and then knocked again. There was no reply.

“Maybe something’s up and he’s not coming in today,” suggested Jason, hopefully.

“I dunno,” said Daniel. “Could be.” He nervously put out his hand and took hold of the door handle, casting a quick look at his friend before turning the handle and pushing on the door. It didn’t move. The door was locked.

“Well he’s obviously not here,” said Jason. “I vote we go back to class and let him come looking for us if he wants us.”

“Let’s just give it a minute first. See if he turns up.”

Jason pulled a face. “Yeah, whatever. But I’m not hanging around here all day.”

Several minutes passed, with Jason pacing up and down the corridor and Daniel slouched down, resting on his heels by the side of the door. There was still no sign of the doctor.

“I think we’ve given him long enough,” said Jason, pausing in his pacing. “Come on, let’s go.”

“I never thought I’d see you so eager to get to a history class,” said Daniel, looking up at his friend. “I suppose you’re right though; he can always send for us if he turns up later.” He started to get to his feet and then groaned, his eyes fixed on the figure that had just appeared from around the corner and was walking towards them.

Jason quickly spun around to face the direction in which Daniel was looking, and then he too groaned. “Shit! Ferguson,” he muttered.

Davey Ferguson, or ‘Gus’ as he was more commonly known to the cronies who mindlessly followed him around, looked to be about eighteen, though was really only fifteen. He was in the same school year as Daniel and Jason, having been kept back a year owing to the large amount of time that he spent “excluded” from school as a result of bullying, vandalism and a whole string of other petty crimes. All in all he wasn’t a very pleasant individual.

“Hey, Middleton,” Ferguson called, a threatening smile spreading across his face as he strode towards the two boys. “Waiting to ask the doctor why you’ve still got a hairless, little pencil dick?”

“Fuck you, Ferguson,” Jason replied, his face red. He had always been extremely sensitive to comments about his slow sexual development.

“Ooh, the little worm’s got a big mouth,” Ferguson growled, obviously delighted with the response. “Maybe a little slap will teach him to watch what he says.”

Almost by reflex, Daniel stepped between his friend and the larger boy. “Leave him alone, Ferguson.”

“Or what?” the older boy sneered. “You know, Marshall, I’ve often wondered what it is with you and this little queer. You’re always hangin’ around together. You get him to suck your dick for you?”

Daniel felt his own face colouring; this suggestion had struck a nerve. “You’re a real cunt, Ferguson,” he spat.

The older boy’s face screwed up in anger at the insult and his hand flew out, closing on a handful of Daniel’s tie and shirt and dragging the fourteen-year-old forwards onto his toes. “I’m gonna have fun rearranging that pretty-boy face of yours,” he snarled, his own face just inches away from Daniel’s.

From the corner of his eye, Daniel was aware of Jason stepping forwards to help him, then, strangely, seeming to think better of it and stepping back again.

A second later, Ferguson’s head went back and he emitted a cry of pain. “Argh! Fuck! Geroff me!”

Daniel looked up to see Adam standing behind Ferguson, his hand firmly clamped around a fistful of the boy’s short hair.

“Why don’t we make a deal,” said the man, calmly. “You let go of Daniel’s shirt, and I’ll let go of you.”

Ferguson must have thought this was a pretty good deal, because the hold on Daniel’s shirt-front disappeared and the boy dropped back down onto his feet, staggering slightly as he regained his balance. He watched as Ferguson spun furiously around to confront the doctor. The large boy’s meaty hand was balled into a fist.

“I really wouldn’t recommend that,” Adam said to the boy, almost pleasantly. “I can promise that you’ll come out of it worse than I will.”

“Teachers can get into a lot of shit for hitting kids,” Ferguson growled, menacingly.

“I’m sure they can,” said Adam. “But, you see, I’m not a teacher.”

Ferguson was none too bright, but even he had the sense to see that now would be a good time to back down.

Adam nodded. “A wise decision,” he said as he unlocked and opened the door. “In you go boys. You too,” he added, looking at the older teen.

“I’m not going in there,” said Ferguson, shaking his head.

Adam didn’t reply, he simply took hold of the boy’s arm and hauled him inside, dragging him across to the desk. “Stand there a minute,” he ordered. Going across to a filing cabinet he pulled open a drawer and took out a form, returning it to the desk. “What’s your name?”

“Davey Ferguson,” the boy replied sullenly.

The doctor filled this in at the top of the form and then pushed the sheet of paper across the desk to the boy and held out a pen. “Sign it.”

“What is it?”

“Just sign it.” Adam’s tone left no room for argument.

Reluctantly, Ferguson took the pen and scribbled his signature onto the bottom of the form, which Adam quickly snatched away.

“Right, Davey,” said the doctor, with a humourless smile. “You’ve just volunteered to be a live model in the year-nine girl’s sex-education classes. The first class is tomorrow, so you need to be in the main biology lab at exactly 10.00 am. If you’re not there, someone will be sent to find you. Oh, and in order that the girls can see you properly, you’ll need to shave off all of your pubic hair. You’d better do that tonight.”

All of the colour had drained from Ferguson’s face and he began backing towards the door. “No way. You can’t make me do that.”

“I think you’ll find that I can,” said Adam, holding up the form. “You signed this. You can go willingly or not, the outcome will be the same. Now, shouldn’t you be in a class somewhere?”

Ferguson fled, the door swinging shut behind him.

“That was brilliant,” said Jason, looking at the doctor with a new-found respect.

“Yeah, but there’s no way he’s gonna turn up,” Daniel pointed out.

Adam looked at them both, his face serious. “Well, the year-nine girls will certainly be in for a shock if he does.” He shrugged and then screwed up the form and threw it towards the rubbish bin that sat behind his desk. A grin slowly spread across his face.

For a few seconds, Daniel stared at the doctor in confusion, and then he suddenly realised what had just happened. “You were making that up, weren’t you?” he accused.

Adam started to laugh. “Of course I was. Young Davey signed a standard parental consent form allowing his son to take part in the study. If he’d taken the time to read what he was signing he would have seen that. That’s assuming that he can read.”

Jason looked at the doctor wide eyed and then he too started to laugh. “That was the best thing I’ve ever seen. Did you see the look on his face? He was pissing himself. Oops! Sorry,” he giggled. He shot a guilty look at the doctor who appeared not to notice the small lapse into what would usually be considered taboo language.

Daniel took a moment to straighten his tie and tried to smooth out some of the creases from his shirt front. He noticed one of the buttons had popped off and knew this would give his mother a chance for a good moan when she discovered it.

“Are both of you OK?” the doctor asked, his laughter subsiding into a friendly smile as he watched Daniel’s efforts to make himself presentable. “He didn’t hurt either of you did he? He looked to be just getting warmed up when I arrived.”

“No we’re fine,” said Daniel.

“Yeah, we can handle Ferguson, no bother at all,” Jason added. Daniel thought he detected a slight broadening of Adam’s smile as a result of Jason’s show of bravado.

“In that case, seeing that you’re both OK, we had better forget about our friend Davey and concentrate on what we’re here for. We’ve a lot to get through this morning.” The doctor went to the door and slid a bolt across. “Don’t worry,” he laughed, seeing their apprehensive expressions. “I’m not locking you in, I’m locking everyone else out. I had the bolt put on before the weekend after Mrs. Williams walked in during one of the assessment sessions. The poor old girl got quite a shock. I’m not sure who was most upset, her or the unfortunate boy who happened to be standing here with no clothes on. I thought for a minute that I might be picking her up off the floor.” Mrs. Williams was the school secretary. She had been around forever, and Daniel remembered his mother telling him that Mrs. Williams had been there during her own school days and had looked old even then.

“Yeah, maybe bolting the door is a good idea,” said Jason. “Maybe you ought to put a chair or something up against it as well, just in case.” He gave a short, nervous giggle.

It suddenly occurred to Daniel how nervous Jason really was. The boy’s earlier pacing, nervous laughter, and the almost hyper way that he was acting were all a mask to try to hide the fact that he was scared. Daniel could sympathise with that, since he was pretty nervous himself, even though a part of him was actually looking forwards to what was going to happen.

“Slip your clothes off for me,” said Adam to the two boys, his tone almost casual. He returned to his desk and turned on his computer. “I’m glad you managed to sort out your little partnership problems,” he said, glancing up at Daniel.

“Yeah, your suggestion of finding another partner for Ben did the trick,” Daniel replied, peeling off his shirt. It felt strange stripping off like this in front of the good-looking young doctor, and knowing that the man would soon be touching him in his most private places gave the boy a tingly feeling in the base of his stomach. Briefly their eyes met and Daniel realised that he was starting to blush and quickly looked away, turning his full attention to removing his clothing.

Once down to his briefs, Daniel paused and, for the first time since the two of them had started undressing, he looked over at his friend. Jason had also stopped, obviously not willing to lose his final garment unless it was absolutely necessary. Daniel quickly allowed his gaze to pass up and down his friend’s body, drinking in the details. The boy’s longish, dark-blond hair flopped down across his eyes and framed a slightly worried, almost girlish face with a sprinkling of freckles standing out against his pale skin. His slim body appeared completely hairless, the smattering of hairs on his arms and legs so fine as to be invisible except on very close inspection. Jason was wearing a pair of blue briefs, just tight enough to show a small bulge at the front, an indication of the treasures that were still hidden. He looked smaller and less developed than would probably be expected in the average fourteen-year-old, but to Daniel, the boy was perfect.

Daniel was wearing the same tight, black briefs that he’d worn for his previous examination. This time the choice had been deliberate and considered, even if a little daring for a boy who wasn’t a natural show-off. He’d stood in front of the mirror at home and liked the way that the black fabric stretched across his groin, emphasising the bulge, which whilst not enormous, was certainly shown to full effect. A few wisps of dark pubic hair showed clearly over the low waistband at the front. He glanced up and saw the doctor looking at him and this time he did blush as the man gave an amused grin and a slight shake of his head.

“Sorry guys,” said Adam, “Those are going to have to come off as well.”

The two boys looked at each other, as if for moral support, then together they put their fingers under the waistbands of their final pieces of clothing before sliding them down and off. As they stood upright, both of them automatically covered themselves with their hands. Realising how silly this was, Daniel made himself take his hands away, letting them hang at his sides as he tried to appear relaxed and unbothered by his nudity. A moment later, with a shy, nervous smile, Jason followed suit.

“That’s better,” said the doctor. “Now we can get started properly. Firstly, there’s nothing unpleasant going to be happening, so you can lose those worried expressions. I’m not going to do anything that will hurt; well, ok, I won’t lie, there is one thing that might be just a little uncomfortable. But there is nothing for you to be afraid of.”

“What do you mean by uncomfortable?” asked Jason, quickly. “There aren’t going to be any injections or anything are there?” Daniel knew his friend had a terror of needles.

Adam laughed. “Nothing like that. I’ll be taking a little blood from you in a couple of the later session, but other than that there won’t be any needles at all. The only thing I’m going to do today that might be a bit uncomfortable will be a quick internal examination.”

“Internal examination?” For a moment Jason looked blank. Then the penny dropped and he pulled a face, looking a little sick. “Oh shit!”

The news that he might get to see the doctor put his finger in Jason’s arse caused a jolt like electricity to pass through Daniel’s stomach and groin. At this stage the fact that he would himself be on the receiving end of the same procedure didn’t even register.

“Don’t worry about it,” said the doctor, gently. “It’ll all be over in a second or two. Besides, we have some other stuff to get though first. To begin with I need a few pictures of each of you.” He picked up a small digital camera from his desk. “We’ll start with you, Daniel.”

“You’re going to take pictures of us naked?” Daniel felt his heart start to beat faster. Being naked in front of Jason and the Doctor was one thing, but the thought of pictures floating around for anyone to look at was scary.

“I’ll be taking photographs at most of the sessions as a record of how your bodies change during the year. They’ll be stored on the computer in encrypted form, so no one besides me will see them. You needn’t worry about them being passed around the school or anything like that.”

Reluctantly, Daniel moved forwards to stand at the place indicated by the doctor. He still wasn’t sure about this.

“Stand with your arms at your sides,” said Adam. “Try to relax. Oh, and a smile would be nice.”

Daniel felt much too self-conscious to smile. As the doctor pointed the camera at him, taking a full length body shot, the boy prayed that the man was right about the pictures being kept secure; he’d die if these ever got out. The full body shot was quickly followed by close-ups of his face, chest, and then, worst of all, his groin area.

“Put your arms over your head and turn to the side. Good, that’s it, now turn to the other side,” Adam instructed, taking pictures of the boy’s armpits. “A couple more to go.” He approached the teenager and taking hold of Daniel’s limp penis, he lifted it until it was vertical against his lower stomach. “Hold it up out of the way for a second while I get a close up of your testicles.”

Holding up his dick by the skin at the tip, Daniel risked a quick glance over at Jason who was watching the proceedings with a look on his face that could only have been disbelief. Briefly, their eyes met. Daniel swallowed nervously and quickly looked away.

“Right, last one for now,” said Adam after photographing Daniel’s balls. “Pull your foreskin all the way back for me and hold your penis out horizontally on the palm of your hand.”

Daniel had to fight to control the shaking of his hand as he obeyed this last instruction. His feelings of embarrassment at having to perform so intimate an act were made far worse by the knowledge that he was doing it in front of his best friend. He let out an involuntary gasp as the doctor gently took hold of his flaccid organ and arranged it on his outstretched hand.

“All done for now,” said Adam, taking the final picture and lowering the camera. “I’ll need a few more later. You can pull the skin down again now if you want.” He nodded towards Daniel’s penis.

Quickly Daniel pulled the foreskin back over the head of his dick, for some reason feeling embarrassed and humiliated at touching himself like this with people watching. To his horror he noticed that that his penis had started to fatten slightly and when released it didn’t hang straight down but pointed outwards; he had the beginnings of an erection.

“OK, time to change around,” said Adam, “Let’s have you over here, Jason. You can sit up on the end of the desk if you like, Daniel.”

While Jason moved into position, Daniel followed the man’s suggestion and lifted himself up onto the edge of the desk. The smooth, cool wood felt strange yet pleasant against the bare flesh of the young teen’s arse cheeks. In this position he was less than a couple of feet away from Jason, close enough to reach out and touch his friend, and much closer than Jason had been to him during his own picture session. Being so close to Jason’s naked body made Daniel’s heart start to beat faster. They had seen each other naked often enough in the school showers after sports, but this was the first time that Daniel had ever been able to get a really good look at his best friend’s body. Feeling a little guilty, Daniel allowed his eyes to travel up and down the boy’s smooth torso: smooth was definitely the word for it, with hardy a hair in sight. Even at the base of Jason’s small but perfect cock there appeared to be little more than a few blond curls. The sight had a predictable effect on the hormonally charged, already semi-aroused adolescent, and Daniel felt his own cock swell to full hardness. In what he hoped was a casual manner, he crossed his arms at the wrists, laying them across his thighs in an attempt to hide his condition
Jason stood silently, his eyes fixed straight ahead as the doctor took the initial photographs. Even when he turned towards Daniel for one of his underarm shots he didn’t meet his friend’s gaze. Then it was time for him to hold his penis up out of the way so that the doctor could get a close up of his balls.

Watching Jason pressing his dick against his stomach caused Daniel’s heart to pound in his chest and his mouth went dry. From his position up on the desk he couldn’t get a good look at the boy’s balls, but just watching his friend touching himself like this was excitement enough. Though that was nothing compared to what came next.

“Push the skin back for me,” said Adam, gently. “It should go back OK while you’re soft, even though it’s a bit tight.”

A myriad of emotions blazed through Daniel as he watched Jason slowly peel back his foreskin to expose the small, pale-pink head beneath, and then hold the slim organ flat on the palm of his hand in order that it could be photographed. Jason’s face was glowing crimson as he steadfastly avoided looking at anyone. Daniel’s feelings of sympathy towards his friend were completely overwhelmed by his own sexual excitement as a result of the scene unfolding before him. His own cock was now rock hard, pressing upwards against the undersides of his wrists, and he realised with a start that he had been unconsciously making small backwards and forwards movements with his forearms, masturbating himself; his face coloured at this discovery.

“That’s you done for now, Jason,” said Adam. He walked around the desk and put the camera on its cradle to transfer the photographs onto the computer. “I need to get these copied into the correct folders. If I don’t do it as I go along I’ll forget who is who. You boys can go over to the couch if you like, ready for the next bit.” Across the room was a raised, leather-covered, doctor’s examination couch. It stood with one end against the wall making it accessible from both sides.

Daniel eyed the couch apprehensively. This was the moment he’d been dreading. He was sitting here with a barely concealed erection and now he was going to have to get up and walk across the room with no hope at all of hiding his condition. Knowing he had no choice in the matter, he shuffled forwards off the desk and dropped to his feet, his aroused organ making a solid pole pointing out stiffly from his body.

Jason’s eyes went wide as his gaze travelled from Daniel’s erection, up to his face, and then back down to his erection again, before quickly looking away. His own penis looked tiny by comparison as it hung limply downwards.

Neither boy spoke as they crossed to the couch. Daniel felt like a lead weight was swinging from the front of his groin with each step. Though embarrassed by his condition, he felt a small thrill that Jason had seen him hard, and he offered up a silent prayer that he’d get to see his friend in a similar state before this session with the doctor was over. By unspoken agreement the boys moved to opposite sides of the bed, providing Daniel with at least temporary cover for his embarrassment. Seconds later they were joined by Adam.

“I think we’ll start with Jason this time,” the doctor decided. “Hop up onto the bed for me.”

Wearing a resigned expression, Jason turned and lifted himself until he was seated on the couch, then, at Adam’s prompting he lay down on his back, his arms at his sides.

“OK,” said Adam. “Try to relax. I’m going to do a similar examination to that which I did when you came for your assessment, though perhaps concentrating a little more on specific areas. Nothing I’m going to do should hurt in any way, but if it does hurt when I touch you anywhere it’s important that you let me know.”

From his position on the opposite side of the bed from Adam, Daniel had a perfect, unobstructed view not only of his friend’s naked body laid out in front of him, but also of everything the doctor was likely to do. This was like something out of one of his fantasies; though the fact that he could look all that he wanted but not touch was also like a form of torture. It certainly wasn’t doing much to help him get rid of the aching erection that was now mercifully hidden from view below the couch.

The doctor began his examination by feeling around Jason’s neck, gently pressing on the glands below his jaw. He paused to make a quick note on a clipboard then moved down to the boy’s chest. After pressing firmly with his fingers along Jason’s ribs he turned his attention to the young teen’s small, brown nipples, slowly feeling all the way around them then gently squeezing them between his fingertips before taking a ruler from his pocket and carefully measuring the diameter of each one. Another note on the clipboard, and then it was down onto the boy’s stomach where the doctor applied pressure at various places and asked Jason if there was any discomfort.

“Can you open your legs a bit more for me please, Jason?” the doctor asked. Jason obediently opened his legs wider, exposing himself for what Daniel realised was to be the main part of the examination.

Adam ran his fingers lightly over the area around the base of Jason’s dick, pulling gently on the few blond pubic hairs. “When did you first start to get hair, Jason?” he asked.

“I don’t really know,” said Jason, his voice nervous and embarrassed. It was obvious that this was a subject that he didn’t like talking about. “Maybe I had a few a couple of years ago. But there’s been loads more come recently,” he added, quickly.

“You’ve nothing to worry about,” said Adam with a reassuring smile. “All boys develop at different rates. You’re perhaps a little slower than some, but some are much older than you before they get any hair. As long as everything is in working order, there’s no rush. I’m going to be having a good look down here, and you’ll probably feel yourself getting hard. Don’t worry about it or try to fight it, it’s completely normal. In fact, it will worry me much more if it doesn’t happen.” He took hold of Jason’s penis by the loose skin at the tip and moved it around, inspecting it from all sides and then used the fingers of his other hand to squeeze all the way along its length starting at the base and moving towards the head. After repeating this a couple of times, he peeled back the foreskin to reveal the pink head beneath. Holding the skin back he lightly pinched the head, opening up the slit as he bent closer to inspect it.

Daniel realised that he was himself starting to lean closer in an attempt to get a better look and he quickly drew himself back before anyone noticed. Though, as it happened, Daniel needn’t have worried, since Jason looked to have his eyes closed. The blond-haired boy lay with his head back, breathing heavily through his nose. It appeared, however, that the doctor had not missed Daniel’s interest in what was happening and gave the teen a quick smile and a knowing wink before continuing with the examination. Feeling that he’d been caught in the act, Daniel began to blush furiously.

Finished with his examination of the head of Jason’s penis, the doctor carefully pulled the foreskin back into place and again made some notes on his clipboard.

It seemed that Jason’s dick was starting to show some signs of life, twitching slightly as it lay on his sparse, almost invisible pubes. Daniel’s own erection gave a jerk as he willed his friend to get hard and imagined what it would be like to take hold of Jason’s cock and stroke it.

Adam had finished making his notes and turned his attention to a detailed examination of Jason’s balls, moving them around and pulling them down tightly in their sack, first one and then the other. By the time he’d finished this, Jason did indeed have a full erection, the hard shaft pointing up towards his belly button.

Daniel recalled hearing Ben say that Jason’s erection wasn’t very impressive, but to the desperately aroused teenager, size didn’t matter at all; in his opinion Jason’s hard cock was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. When Adam took hold of the shaft at the base and bent it upright until it was pointing towards the ceiling, and then used the fingers of the other hand to feel all the way along its length, it was all Daniel could do to prevent himself from cumming there and then.

“It looks like everything is working as it should,” Adam observed, his fingers still wrapped firmly around Jason’s erection. “When was the last time you masturbated?”
Jason’s eyes briefly flicked towards Daniel then quickly looked away. “Um, S..Saturday,” he stammered, his face and shoulders turning a glowing red colour.

“That’s good. Did you ejaculate?”

“Yeah,” said Jason, in a small voice, his colour deepening further.

“OK, that’s fine,” said Adam. “I’m going to take a sample so that I can see exactly what it is that you’re firing.”

“What’re you going to do?” Jason asked, his head coming up, a frightened expression on his face.

“Nothing that you haven’t done yourself many, many times already,” said Adam, with a reassuring smile. “All you have to do is lay back and let nature take its course.” He slid his fingers smoothly up and down the boy’s shaft as a demonstration of what he intended.

Jason lay back, his tightly pressed lips indicating that he was far from happy at the prospect of being jerked off by a stranger in front of his best friend. But there was little he could do about it.

“Try to relax, Jason,” said the doctor, gently. “Firstly it will all be over much quicker that way and secondly you’re more likely to enjoy it; it is OK to enjoy it you know. If it makes it any easier, try to imagine that it’s some girl that you like who is doing it to you.” While he had been talking, the man had picked up a small glass dish from a nearby shelf, which he handed across to Daniel.

“What’s this for?” Daniel asked. It immediately occurred to him that Adam had passed him the dish as a precaution, to prevent him making a mess under the table if he lost control, something that he knew he was in great danger of doing as he thought about watching his friend being jacked off.

“Time for you to stop standing around looking pretty and make yourself useful,” Adam grinned. “I’m going to have my hands full, so it’s your job to act as catcher.”

“You mean when he shoots you want me to catch it in this?” Daniel asked, his eyes wide.

“What? No way!” Jason exclaimed, his head once more coming up. “I can catch it myself?”

Adam sighed. “You’re going to have other things on your mind,” he told the reluctant teen. He placed his hand flat on Jason’s chest, gently but firmly pushing him back down. “Are you going to be OK with that?” he asked Daniel.

“I guess,” Daniel nodded. He certainly wasn’t going to object to a chance like this. He would of course have preferred to be operating the pump rather than holding the bucket, but he knew that would have been too much to wish for. Holding the shallow dish in the palm of his right hand, he moved it into position just above the head of the boy’s dick. Letting the back of his hand rest lightly on the smooth flesh of Jason’s lower stomach, he revelled in even this small amount of physical contact with the boy that he had fantasised about.

After squirting some sort of cream into his hand, Adam once more took hold of Jason’s hard shaft and began to slowly massage up and down its length. In spite of himself, Jason let out a slight gasp and shuffled his hips. Adam’s other hand was playing lightly with the boy’s balls, stroking and gently pulling on them.

Daniel suppressed a smile. Jason might be trying to pretend that he wasn’t enjoying it, but the soft, almost inaudible noises that he was making and the way that his body was moving told a different story. The boy had subconsciously opened his legs wider to allow the doctor better access, and he was already making small thrusting movements with his hips in time with the movements of Adam’s hand. Daniel also noticed that from time to time Adam’s fingers would disappear behind Jason’s balls and it occurred to him with a thrill that perhaps the doctor might be touching his friend’s arse hole.

Hearing Jason’s groans and watching him squirm under Adam’s expert touch was sheer torture for Daniel, who was himself in a state of extreme sexual excitement. His own dick was twitching madly beneath the couch and it took an enormous effort to stop himself from reaching down with his free hand and giving himself the relief that he so badly needed.

It seemed that Daniel’s anxiety had not gone unnoticed by the doctor. “Are you OK?” the man asked, making it clear exactly what he meant by momentarily dropping his eyes towards Daniel’s hidden groin. “Try to hold on for a couple more minutes.”

“Yeah,” Daniel nodded, by this stage completely beyond any embarrassment he might have felt at the doctor’s question. He tried to think about anything at all that might distract his attention from the hot fourteen-year-old who was being so erotically masturbated in front of him, but was unable to keep his eyes from straying up Jason’s smooth young body towards his cute face. Jason had his eyes closed. There was a slight sheen of perspiration on the boy’s forehead, and his dark-blond hair was an unruly mess, damp with sweat. Looking at Jason’s beautiful face made Daniel’s chest hurt. At that moment he would have given everything he had to be the one jacking the boy’s dick; to be the one bringing him so much sexual pleasure.

Jason’s hands were clenched into fists at his sides and his breathing was fast and noisy as he thrust upwards into Adam’s rhythmically moving fist. “Oh, shit. Oh, fuck!” he groaned.

“Let it go, Jason,” said Adam, his voice calm as he continued to pump the boy’s throbbing dick. “Don’t fight it. Let it go.” His fingers once more disappeared behind the teen’s balls and seconds later Jason gave a cry through his clenched teeth.

“Aaaargh!” Jason’s hips gave an almighty thrust upwards as a long streamer of white cum flew from the head of his cock.

Jason’s final thrust had taken Daniel by surprise, knocking his hand. He still managed to catch most of the thin, pearly-white fluid in the dish, though a good proportion of the first spurt ended up on his bare wrist. Luckily the couple of spurts that followed were much weaker and so were easily caught. Adam continued to slowly milk out the last drops, bending Jason’s spent erection down towards the dish. Daniel held his breath as the tips of two of his fingers actually made brief contact with Jason’s shaft. Jason shot him a quick look, but said nothing as he lay back, panting.

“You were meant to catch it in the dish, not on your hand,” laughed Adam, relieving Daniel of the dish before tossing him a paper towel. He used another towel to wipe the end of Jason’s dick, pulling the tight skin back just far enough to expose the slit.

Daniel stared briefly at the milky streak on his wrist. The whole situation was strangely dreamlike. He had hoped and prayed that he would have the chance to see his best friend with a boner, but the idea that he would get to watch him being jerked off was something that he would never even have dared wish for. And knowing that he had touched Jason’s hard dick, however briefly, as well as getting some of the boy’s cum on his hand, caused his stomach to clench and his own erection to jerk madly. He knew that he was on the very brink of losing control and he quickly wiped the mess from his wrist, handing the screwed up paper towel back to the doctor, who dropped it into a bin.

“Right boys, time to swap over again,” said Adam, with a smile. “You OK, Jason?”
Jason nodded as he swung himself off the bed and onto the floor. He looked both physically and emotionally drained, and his dick, no longer fully hard but still quite swollen, drooped downwards. His eyes widened slightly when saw the condition of Daniel’s cock as the boy climbed onto the bed and lay down on his back.

Daniel’s dick was so hard it was painful. He felt like he’d spent the past fifteen minutes or so hovering on the verge of orgasm and he was now desperate for relief. The end of his dick was a sticky mess with precum, and he had dribbles of the stuff on his legs from the agonising minutes he had spent watching Jason’s examination. Having Jason seeing him in this condition was both embarrassing yet at the same time thrilling, and this caused his cock to give another jerk.

“I think we’d better take care of that first, before it goes off on its own,” Adam observed, with a smile and a pointed glance at Daniel’s throbbing organ. “Your turn to act as catcher,” he said, handing Jason a clean dish.

With obvious reluctance, Jason accepted the dish and tentatively held it out above Daniel’s stomach. He stood as if ready to jump back at the slightest provocation, almost as if Daniel’s cock were a poisonous snake, coiled ready to strike.

With a smile and a shake of his head, Adam took hold of Jason’s wrist and moved his hand much closer to the head of Daniel’s penis. “Remember that you’re supposed to be catching it, not trying to avoid it,” he said, jokingly. “If you miss it we might have to do it all again, and this is the sort of thing that you can only do so many times in one day.” Happy that Jason was now ready, the doctor took hold of Daniel’s hard cock. Lightly cupping it in his fingers, he lifted it until it was pointing almost directly upwards and then stroked his thumb in a circular motion around the sticky, half-exposed head, rubbing right across the slit. Daniel gave an involuntary groan and squirmed on the bed. He raised his head to look at Adam’s fingers around his erection and then lifted his eyes to meet the doctor’s, silently pleading for the man to make him cum as quickly as possible.

“Be ready, Jason, this isn’t going to take long,” Adam warned. He slowly tightened his fingers around Daniel’s cock, sliding them down the shaft and pulling the skin back to fully expose the swollen, sensitive head, continuing to move slowly down the shaft until the skin was pulled almost painfully tight. He then paused, holding the boy’s trembling dick pointing straight up. With his other hand he encircled the young teen’s balls and pulled them gently but firmly away from his body until the youngster gave another groan.

Daniel felt as though he were being tortured. Sometimes when he’d jerked off, he’d tried to hold himself on the brink of orgasm, to prolong that fantastic, agonising, almost indescribable feeling that overwhelmed his body for just a few scant seconds. But his self-control had never been strong enough, and he’d always quickly given in to the urge to make those extra few quick strokes that would take him over the edge into release and cause his cock to begin spewing out its white seed. Now, however, for the first time in his life, it was taken out of his control. It felt as if Adam were deliberately tormenting him. Surely this wasn’t normal procedure when taking a sperm sample; the doctor hadn’t dragged things out like this with Jason. It seemed like Adam was frozen, holding Daniel’s cock in its vertical position and squeezing tightly around the base of the shaft with his encircling thumb and forefinger, whilst at the same time keeping up a steady pressure on the boy’s young balls. After several seconds that felt more like an eternity, Adam released Daniel’s balls and used two fingers to begin firmly massaging the area immediately behind the teen’s ball-sack, alternately rubbing, pressing, and then easing up, whilst at the same time squeezing tightly then releasing the base of the young teen’s erection.

A shudder passed through Daniel’s body and he tried to force his hips upwards, but the doctor’s grip around his cock prevented him from doing so. He was quickly reaching the limit of his endurance. “Oh, shit, make me cum. Please,” he half whispered, half sobbed, as he lifted his own hand towards his cock.

This seemed to be the signal that Adam had been waiting for. “OK, here we go,” he said, his voice calm. He began a slow up-down movement along Daniel’s stiff shaft, whilst at the same time keeping up the pressure behind the boy’s balls. Gradually he increased the pace, his grip sometimes firm, sometimes just teasingly sliding over the skin.

Daniel’s whole body was tensing up in time to the doctor’s steady rhythm. He opened his legs further, as wide as he could, until his feet dropped off the sides of the couch as he rode the tidal wave of his impending orgasm. Perversely, as badly as he wanted release, he now found himself trying to hold it back, holding on to the intense feeling of pleasure and pain. The first jolt of cum felt like a cannonball exploding from his cock. He thought he cried out, but couldn’t be sure. The sensations were more intense than anything he had ever felt before, and it felt like the throbbing in his groin would never end.

But of course it did. Breathing heavily, he came back to reality to find Jason staring at him wide eyed. Daniel met his friend’s gaze for a second, then looked away, embarrassed. “Fucking awesome!” he heard Jason mutter.

The doctor wiped the head of Daniel’s cock with a paper towel that felt more like sandpaper, causing the boy to flinch visibly.

“Sorry,” Adam laughed. “You’re bound to be a bit sensitive for a while after that. Don’t worry, there won’t be anything else today quite that intense.” He put a glass lid on the dish and placed it on a nearby cabinet, next to Jason’s sample, before turning back to the bed. “Lay there for a minute and get your breath back while I do a few more checks.”

Daniel lay back and closed his eyes, enjoying the relaxed pleasures of a post-orgasmic afterglow. The touch of Adam’s hands felt so good, almost like a caress, as they gently examined his neck and chest, lightly squeezing his nipples before moving lower and pressing on his stomach. He sighed softly as the doctor’s fingers took hold of his softening penis, carefully examining the shaft and head and then performing a similar detailed examination of his balls. It all seemed to be over much too quickly.

As Adam carried the two glass dishes, now both safely lidded, across to his desk, Daniel pulled himself upright and sat on the edge of the couch. His legs still felt a little shaky and he wasn’t quite ready to trust them yet. To the teen’s surprise, Jason also lifted himself up onto the couch so that they were sitting side by side.

“Can I ask you something?” Jason said, nervously, his voice hardly more than a whisper as he glanced at Adam to check that the doctor wasn’t looking.


Jason hesitated and glanced at Adam again before asking, “Is it always like that? You know, when you shoot, is it always like that for you?”

Daniel found himself blushing. “If you want the truth, I’ve never had one as good as that before. I mean, when I do it myself it’s good, well, most of the time anyway. But it’s never been that good.”

Jason nodded. “I was worried that maybe there might be something wrong with me because yours seemed so much better than mine.”

“I think it was so good today because it was Adam doing it for me,” said Daniel. Then realising how that could be misinterpreted, he added, “I mean, with him being a doctor and all that he’s bound to know what to do to make it feel better.”

“Yeah, I suppose,” said Jason thoughtfully.

The two boys sat in silence for a few moments watching Adam write on some sticky labels and then attach them to the lids of the dishes, before picking up his clipboard and making a few notes. The doctor quickly read through what he had written and, apparently satisfied, he put the clipboard down and once more picked up the camera. “Time for a couple more pictures,” he announced, crossing back over to the bed.

Daniel groaned inwardly. Having his picture taken whilst naked was something that made him feel extremely uncomfortable. Almost unconsciously, his hands moved to cover up his groin area.

“These next ones are going to be taken from a slightly different angle,” said Adam, brightly, as he fiddled with something on the camera. “I think you can go first again, Jason. Get down off the bed for me. Good boy. Now I want you to turn around and lean over the bed and then reach back and pull your cheeks apart.”

“You’re kidding me?” said Jason, a mixture of horror and disgust on his face. “Surely you don’t want a picture of that.”

“Sorry, but I do,” said Adam. “Come on, it will be over in a couple of seconds.”

As Jason reluctantly leaned forwards across the bed, Daniel dropped to the floor and casually moved over to stand next to Adam. From here he had an almost perfect view as Jason reached back with his hands, gripped his cheeks and pulled them open. Daniel once more felt his heart speed up a little, accompanied by that strange, tight feeling in the base of his stomach.

“That’s great, Jason. Hold it there,” said Adam, dropping to one knee and leaning in closer. “Open your legs a little more for me.”

Unable to resist this opportunity, Daniel also leaned in closer. Adam gave the teen a smile and a wink and Daniel felt himself blushing.

Jason’s arse area, like most of the rest of his body, was completely smooth, with not a hair in sight. Apart from a couple of small red spots on his left cheek, his skin was pale and almost unblemished, darkening slightly around his pink, tightly puckered arse-hole. Daniel felt no sense of distaste or revulsion while looking at Jason’s arse-hole; it was Jason’s hole and it was just as cute as the rest of him.

“Ok, that’s done,” said Adam, getting back to his feet with Daniel quickly following suit. “Swap paces now. Your turn, Daniel.”

As Daniel pulled his cheeks apart, his embarrassment at being photographed in this humiliating position was tempered by the knowledge that Jason would be getting a good look at his most private place. The air of the room felt cool against his exposed hole as he pictured Jason bending forwards to get a good look, just as he had himself, seconds before. However, when he twisted his head and glanced back he felt a sudden wave of disappointment; Jason was standing off to one side, not showing the slightest interest in what was happening.

Adam indicated that he was finished with the photographs “for now” and returned the camera to the desk, this time picking up a couple of thin, sealed packets. As he tore one of them open and pulled out the contents, Daniel heard Jason give a clearly audible groan and felt his own stomach lurch sickeningly. Adam was pulling on a disposable glove.

“Sorry boys, but it’s time for the internal,” said Adam, looking apologetic. “Don’t look so worried. I’m sure it won’t be half as bad as you expect and it will be over in no time. Some people even enjoy it.”

“Yeah, queers and perverts,” Jason muttered.

Daniel felt his face begin to flush and quickly looked away before Jason had chance to notice.

“Actually, Jason, you’re way off the mark,” said the doctor, matter-of-factly. “You’ll discover as you get older that the anus is an intensely sexual area. The fact that you can get pleasure from receiving attention back there bears no relation at all to whether you are straight or gay. A lot of guys play with themselves back there while they masturbate.”

“They do?” It was obvious from the look on Jason’s face that this was something that he’d never tried himself and did not have any intentions of trying. He appeared entirely unconvinced.

“Does the fact that you get pleasure stroking your penis prove that you’re gay?” Adam asked, looking a little amused.

“No, course not.”

“So why should touching your anal area be any different?”

“It just is,” said Jason stubbornly.

“If you say so,” said Adam, laughing. “Get yourself back up onto the bed and let’s get this over with.”

Adam had Jason lie on his side, facing Daniel and told him to curl his knees up towards his chest. This was a disappointment for Daniel as he had been hoping that he would get to watch his friend’s anal examination and there was no way that he would be able to see anything from where he was standing. Not that he objected to the view that he did have; Jason’s front was not exactly hard on the eyes. Across Jason’s body, Adam had finished pulling on the disposable glove and was squirting something onto his index finger: obviously some sort of lubricant. Looking down, Daniel saw that Jason appeared more apprehensive than at any time since the examination had started. His curled up body and frightened expression made him look small and vulnerable and much younger than his real fourteen years. Daniel had to fight off an almost overwhelming urge to reach out and comfort him. “Are you OK?” he asked, softly.

“Ask me that in a few minutes,” Jason replied with an attempt at a smile that looked more like a grimace.

“OK, Jason, here goes,” said Adam. “I want you to try to relax. If you can do that it will make things a lot easier for both of us. If you tense up and try to stop me getting in then it might make it a bit uncomfortable for you. I’m going to start by putting some lubricant around your hole. It might feel a little cold. Then I’ll work it just inside. I’m going to take it nice and slow, so as long as you don’t fight me it shouldn’t hurt at all.” His hands disappeared down behind Jason’s body, and in spite of Adam’s words, the boy almost immediately became tense, his face screwed up as if expecting to be put through dreadful agony.

“You’re right, it’s cold,” the young teen muttered.

“Relax, Jason,” said Adam, his voice soft and calm. “Breathe slowly and deeply and try to think about something else.”

For a second it looked like Jason had indeed managed to relax, but then suddenly he gave a gasp and a grimace and his hand shot out, grabbing Daniel’s hand and squeezing it tightly.

This was something Daniel had certainly not expected. Though the chance to hold his friend’s hand, even under these circumstances was something he was not about to pass up. The fact that his hand was being painfully crushed didn’t matter at all. After a few seconds the grip eased and Jason’s grimace disappeared, though the boy was still breathing heavily through his nose, and his eyes had widened as if in surprise. A couple of seconds later he gave another small grunt of discomfort and then, with a sigh, he finally relaxed completely, releasing his hold on Daniel’s hand.

“All done,” said Adam, with a smile as he pulled off the glove and dropped it into a nearby bin. “Hold on there for a moment while I clean you up.” He pulled a paper towel out of a dispenser on the wall and his hands once more briefly disappeared behind Jason’s body. “Right, that’s it. Roll onto your back for me.”

Jason didn’t look too happy about this instruction, and as he straightened his body and his groin came into full view, it became obvious why this was. He was more than halfway hard, even though it was only a few minutes since he’d shot his load.

The doctor did not look especially surprised by this development. He pushed Jason’s hands away from his half-hearted attempt to hide his condition and, wrapping his own fingers around the shaft, he stroked it firmly a few times until it was at full erection. “That’s good,” he said. “It’s a perfectly normal reaction. You can get up now Jason. While I check Daniel I’d like you to try to keep yourself hard; it’ll save time when we come to the next bit.”

“Next bit?” Jason half groaned. “You mean we’re not done yet.”

“Not quite,” said Adam. “I still need to show you how to fill in your Measurement Diary.”

“Measurement diary? What’s that?”

“Nothing for you to worry about,” said Adam. “Your main concern at the moment is to keep that good and hard.” He nodded his head in the direction of the boy’s erection.

“How am I supposed to do that?” asked Jason, his face reddening at having his hard cock made the focus of everyone’s attention.

“Use your imagination,” said Adam, with a grin. “How would you go about it if you were alone in your bedroom?”

“Oh!” Jason gave an embarrassed smile and looked down at his feet. His hand moved in front of his cock, but he didn’t take hold of it, he just made small rubbing movements along the front of the shaft with the open palm of his hand. He was clearly too shy to do something as personal as full masturbation while others were watching. Then, to Daniel’s great disappointment, Jason turned away so that he had his back to them.

Feeling a little miffed with Jason for turning away, Daniel climbed up onto the bed and turned onto his side, drawing up his knees. As he had done with Jason, Adam explained what he was about to do and told Daniel to relax. But even though he was expecting it, the first touch of Adam’s lubricated index finger against his tightly closed hole still came as a shock to Daniel, and he gave a quick grunt of surprise. As Adam’s finger stroked up and down across his hole several times, applying the lubricant, it was all Daniel could do to suppress a sigh of pleasure. He now understood what Adam had meant earlier when he had talked about guys enjoying being touched back there. Adam’s finger certainly felt good and he was actually willing the man to press a little harder and slide up inside. His own cock was once again erect, nestled tightly between his thighs and he reached down and gave the head a little stroke, hoping that Adam wouldn’t notice.

“You’re doing really well, Daniel. Now stay nice and relaxed,” said Adam, his voice soft and soothing.

Daniel felt Adam’s finger press more firmly and he knew that the tip was now inside him. He gave a small wriggle and was rewarded with a quick slap on his exposed arse cheek.

“Keep still,” Adam laughed.

There was a momentary discomfort as Adam’s finger, which had between twisting around, slid all the way up inside him, causing Daniel to tense up for a second, but he quickly relaxed again as he realised that once inside, it didn’t hurt at all. In fact it felt pretty good. Then as Adam’s finger twisted around again, the feeling suddenly became much more intense, and Daniel gasped aloud as his hard cock gave a huge jerk. That had REALLY felt good. It was almost a disappointment when he felt the doctor’s finger slip out of his arse.

“Almost done,” said Adam, quickly cleaning the boy’s rear with a paper towel. “Good, all done. Now roll over onto your back.”

Daniel’s dick was hard and twitching as he lay on his back. He would never have believed that he could get another erection so soon after shooting off. Surprisingly, he no longer felt embarrassed about being in this condition in front of the doctor. What he wanted now, more than anything, was for Adam to take hold of him and stroke him like he’d seen the man do to Jason a couple of minutes earlier.

However, though Adam did take hold of Daniel’s cock, all he did was give it a quick, almost playful squeeze and then let go of it again. “Looks like you don’t need any help getting hard again,” he laughed. “Let’s have you back on your feet. Time’s getting on and we’ve still quite a bit to get through.”

While Daniel climbed down from the bed, Adam stepped over to the desk and once more retrieved the camera. “Last few pictures for today,” he smiled. “I need a couple of you hard: a full body shot and a close-up.”

“You’re absolutely sure there’s no chance of anyone getting to see these, aren’t you?” asked Daniel. Whilst it no longer really bothered him to be hard in front of the doctor, and he actually got a bit of a thrill out of Jason seeing him like that, he still felt uneasy about his nudity and arousal being captured on camera. He noted that Jason didn’t look very enthusiastic about the idea either.

“I told you,” said Adam. “The pictures will be stored encrypted on the computer and only I have the password to get in.” He quickly gave instructions on how he wanted the boys to pose, getting them to stand next to each other with their legs a little apart and their hands behind their backs, surprising both of them by taking a picture of the two of them together. “I don’t normally do this,” he explained. “But there’s quite a big difference between your levels of development at the moment, even though you are almost the same age. It will be interesting to compare your development at the end of the study to how you are now. I would think that by then the differences will be much less obvious.” He then went on to take a photograph of each of them individually before dropping down and taking close-up pictures of their erections. He took two close-ups of each of them, one from directly in front and one from the side. “You’ll probably be relieved to know that that’s it for the photography,” he said, putting the camera in its cradle and setting off the transfer of the pictures to the PC on his desk. “Now all I need to do is get you started with your Measurement Diaries and we’ll be done for this session.”

As Daniel and Jason approached the desk, Adam produced a ring binder and a sealed plastic pouch, putting them both on the desk top. He opened up the binder to reveal contained a number of printed sheets that looked like tables.

“This is one of the main reasons that you need a partner,” Adam explained. “There are sheets in this folder for both of you and they need to be filled in with the various body measurements that are listed down the left hand side. Taking the measurements yourself would be tricky, so I want you to measure each other. I’d like you to fill this in at least twice a week; you put the date that you take the measurements at the top of the column.” He pointed with his finger. “I know the measurements aren’t going to change much over a few days, but they will change over the period of the study. You hand the completed sheets in to me at the end of each week and all of the information is entered up on the computer so that I can plot your physical development accurately. All clear so far?”

“Yeah, I guess,” said Daniel. Next to him, Jason gave a nod.

“Good. We’re going to have a quick run through now to show you how to take each measurement.” Adam opened the plastic pouch and pulled out a tape measure and a wall chart. “This chart is just like a lot of parents have for their kids as they grow up,” he smiled. “You put it on the wall in your bedroom or wherever, and use it to measure your height. The tape measure is for everything else.” He indicated a similar chart already up on the wall and then had each boy stand in front of it, showing the other how to take the measurement and enter the result in the folder. Daniel measured up at 5 feet and 6 inches while Jason was shorter at 5 feet and 3 inches. For the next fifteen minutes or so they went through a range of measurements such as neck size, arm length, distance across the shoulders, chest, stomach and hip measurements and inside and outside leg measurements.

When it came to the inside leg measurements, Adam first demonstrated how it should be done on Jason, pushing the top end of the tape measure right up into the gap between his leg and his balls, the backs of Adam’s fingers brushing up against Jason’s scrotum. Daniel’s heart skipped a beat as he saw this. Was he actually going to get to touch his friend like that?

“I can hold the top myself,” said Jason, quickly, bringing his hand down to reach for the tape.

“But you can’t see to position it accurately,” said Adam, brushing Jason’s hand away. “Come here, Daniel, you give it a try.”

Daniel briefly glanced at his friend to see that Jason was frowning slightly and chewing his lower lip. Daniel quickly looked away, trying not to appear too enthusiastic about what he was going to do. Kneeling in front of the other boy, he took the proffered tape and slid the top end into place, his fingers, like Adam’s, brushing against Jason’s balls. Jason flinched slightly at the contact but remained silent. It was over too quickly, but Daniel consoled himself with the thought that he would be doing this at least twice every week for the next twelve months.

After Daniel entered the result onto the sheet, Adam pointed out the next measurements labelled “p-length”, “p-circ1”, “p-circ2” and “p-circ3”. “We may as well get these out of the way before you change places,” he said. “The ‘p’, of course, stands for penis. It’s very important that these measurements are taken when it’s fully hard.”

“Wha...” Daniel’s lungs had stopped working. With a great effort he made himself breath. He looked down at the tape in his fingers and noticed that his hands were shaking. He stood there waiting for Adam to say that they would be measuring themselves rather than each other, but the doctor merely took the tape from Daniel’s hand and knelt in front of Jason.

“First we need to get this hard again,” said Adam, with a smile, glancing at the teen’s wilting organ. He wrapped his fingers around the boy’s penis and began to knead and stroke it. Jason gazed down at the doctor’s moving fingers as if mesmerised, then up at Daniel, an incredulous look on his face. Unsure of how best to react, Daniel just shrugged.

“Erm, you’re kidding, right? You don’t really expect us to touch each other’s dicks?” Jason eventually managed to ask.

“I sure do,” replied Adam, with a thoroughly disarming smile. “It’s not such a big deal. Once you’ve done it a couple of times you won’t think anything of it. Come a bit closer Daniel, so that I can show you exactly how to take these measurements.”

Almost in a trance, Daniel took a step forwards and bent over to watch what Adam was doing. Jason’s cock was once more fully hard and the Doctor bent it downwards until it was horizontal. Placing one end of the tape at the base, he stretched it out along the upper surface of the boy’s slim shaft and took the reading at the tip.

“10.1 centimetres. Here, you have a try.” The doctor stepped back and handed the tape to Daniel.

Not daring to look at Jason, Daniel put out his hand and almost tenderly took hold of the hard shaft with his fingertips.

“This is no time to be shy,” said Adam, watching. “Remember what I said about it being important that these measurements are taken when it’s as hard as possible. Before you take the measurements, take a firm grip and give it a couple of good strokes, just to be sure.”

Obediently, yet unable to believe he was really doing this, Daniel wrapped his fingers around his friend’s erection and gave it a squeeze. It somehow felt so incredibly different from holding his own cock. Jason’s cock was rock hard, but it was a soft, warm, velvety sort of hardness. Savouring the moment, he slowly pulled on it a couple of times, feeling the silken skin slide under his fingers.

“Right, now that you’re certain he’s fully erect, you can take the measurement,” said Adam, his voice sounding like it was coming from a long way away.

Following Adam’s example, Daniel bent Jason’s cock down until it was horizontal, hold the end of the tape in place with his thumb and leaned closer to read the length at the tip.

“Try to be as accurate as possible,” said Adam. “The length may appear to vary by a few millimetres from day to day, but don’t let that worry you; it’ll all work itself out. As Jason’s foreskin is a bit tight, take the measurement right at the tip of the skin. Normally length measurements should be done with the skin pulled back, but as long as you always take the measurement in the same way it won’t matter.”

“I get it to 10.3,” said Daniel, worried that his measurement was different to the one Adam had just taken.

“That’s fine,” said the doctor. “Like I said, the measurements may vary slightly but over time the results should average out. Write the result on Jason’s chart and I’ll show you how to take the circumference measurements.”

There were three circumference measurements, which Daniel obtained following Adam’s instructions, wrapping the tape around Jason’s cock right at the base, just behind the head and lastly at the widest point of the head. As he made the final measurement, the tip of his thumb brushed against the end of the boy’s foreskin, and he was sure that it felt a little damp and sticky. He knew without checking that the end of his own erection would be in a similar state.

Having entered up the results, it was now Daniel’s turn to be on the receiving end of these much more intimate measurements. He stood with his hands behind his back and his bottom lip gripped between his teeth as he waited for Jason to begin. One thing was certain, Jason would not have to work very hard to ensure that Daniel had a full erection; he’d been that way since his fingers had first made contact with Jason’s dick.

Jason first took Daniel’s inside leg measurement and it was an effort for Daniel not to flinch as he felt his best friend’s fingers make the briefest contact with his scrotum. Even this momentary contact was electric, but Daniel knew that there was much better to come.

“Ok, Jason,” said Adam. “Remember that before you measure his penis length you have to make sure he’s as erect as possible. I know he already looks that way at the moment, but it’s a good idea to give it a couple of strokes anyway, just to be sure.”

Very hesitantly, Jason put out his hand and wrapped his fingers around Daniel’s shaft. His grip was not as firm as it might have been, but as he stroked his hand up and down its length a couple of times, Daniel gave a groan deep in his throat and felt his legs wobble.

“Good, now you need to pull the foreskin back,” said Adam. “As I’ve already said, length measurements should, where possible always be taken with the skin pulled back. Don’t worry that he’s a little bit sticky, since that’ll make the skin slide back more easily.”

Daniel closed his eyes as he felt his foreskin slide back. A second later his cock was pushed down into a horizontal position and he felt the tape laid across the top. He let out a sudden gasp as he felt Jason’s fingers touch his ultra-sensitive, exposed glans and was suddenly glad that he’d shot his load just a short time ago, because he knew that if he hadn’t he would have lost control completely by now.

“13.3 centimetres,” said Jason, his voice a little nervous. He let go of Daniel’s cock, allowing it to spring upwards.

Adam had Jason take the circumference measurements with Daniel’s skin once more covering the head, something Daniel was glad about because he wasn’t quite sure how much more stimulation he could take before he experienced his second orgasm of the morning.

“That’s it,” said Adam, as Jason entered the final results. “Everything’s done. You can clean yourselves up and get dressed. Unless of course you want to do something about those first.” He nodded down in the direction of the two twitching erections. “You’re both pretty excited again, which is not really surprising under the circumstances. If either of you feel you need to relieve yourselves before you get dressed, that’s OK with me.”

“You mean jerk-off?” Jason’s asked, wide eyed.

“If you want,” smiled Adam. “You can sit up on the bed there. But try not to make a mess.”

“No way,” said Jason. “I can’t do that in front of you guys.”

“I didn’t say you had to,” said Adam. “I just said you could if you wanted.” How about you, Daniel?”

It was so tempting. Daniel desperately needed to get off, and it would be an extra thrill doing it here with Jason watching. But at the same time it worried him a little what Jason might think of him, and the other boy would probably turn his back anyway. “No, I’m fine,” he lied.

“No problem,” said Adam. “Here, you’d better wipe yourselves off before you get dressed. You can use the sink to wash your hands.” He tossed the boys a couple of paper towels.

As Daniel had expected, Jason turned away to wipe the end of his dick, taking just a couple of seconds to do it before quickly reaching for his clothes and covering himself up.

As the boys dressed, Adam explained how they were to fill in the diary twice a week, though they could do it more often if they wanted. Each Friday, the sheets for that week should be delivered to him so that he could transfer the results to the computer. He stressed the importance of accuracy, which was why they should always measure each other and not attempt to measure themselves. He also explained that there would be a special prize at the end of the year for the pair who he decided had been the most co-operative during the sessions and made the most effort in completing their diaries. Though he warned them not to cheat by making up results, as anyone who was suspected of cheating would lose their chance at the prize.

“What’s the prize?” asked Jason, flicking his hair back from his eyes.

“It’s a pretty good one,” said Adam. “The grant I received to do this study paid for all of the equipment, including the computer and the camera. I’ve already got a good computer of my own at home and don’t need another one so I thought I’d give this one and the camera as a prize: a little incentive for the boys taking part. Of course, all the research material will be wiped from the computer before I give it away, so you needn’t worry about your pictures and stuff falling into the wrong hands.”

“Wow, that’d be really cool,” said Jason, giving a low whistle. Daniel knew that whilst Jason did have a computer at home, he had to share it with his brother and it was a pretty ancient thing that just about managed to chug along. Jason had been begging his parents for a new one for ages, but they couldn’t afford it.

“Well, you’re in with as good a chance as anyone of winning it,” said Adam. “You’ve both made a great start today. Keep going like that and keep your diaries up to date and it could be yours. Oh and you’d better have these.” He handed each boy a small card with his mobile number printed on the front, explaining that they could ring him if they were worried about anything concerning the study or if any problems came up that prevented them filling in their diaries. “I’d prefer it if you actually came to see me during school time, but the telephone number is there if you can’t do that for any reason. Now, if you’re both happy, I’ll see you at our next session in about three weeks. Though don’t forget to drop those sheets in each Friday.”

“Will the next session be the same as this one?” Jason asked.

Adam shook his head. “I’ll be taking photographs at most of the sessions, but there are lots of other things that we need to do. Though there’s nothing at all for you to worry about.” He unbolted the door and opened it for them to leave. “Thanks for going along with everything today, guys. I hope you haven’t found it too much of an ordeal.”

“No, it was ok,” Daniel shrugged. He briefly met Adam’s eyes then quickly looked down as he caught himself blushing.

“Yeah, I suppose it wasn’t too bad,” Jason agreed.

“You think we can skip lessons until lunch time?” Jason asked as they walked down the school corridor.

“I would think so,” said Daniel. “There’s not long to go anyway.” He glanced at his watch. “Besides, at the moment we should be in Geography with ‘Batty’ Barton, and I haven’t finished that homework he set for us on Friday so I’d rather keep a low profile.”

“Good, I’m not in the mood for lessons. Winning that computer would be really cool. It would almost make up for having to touch your fat, sticky dick.”

Daniel almost tripped over his own feet in his surprise that Jason would come out with something like that. “Yeah, I guess it did get a bit sticky. Sorry.” They exchanged half-embarrassed grins.

A little further down the corridor Daniel suddenly asked “Do you really think it’s fat?”

“Not really. But it’s fatter than mine,” Jason shrugged. He punched Daniel on the arm. “Bet mine’s bigger than yours by the end of the year though.”

“You’re on!”

Daniel smiled happily. He suddenly seemed to have plenty to look forwards to.



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